1 line Mission - Golden Nugget May 02, 2020

Have you come across a Golden nugget of information that has made a huge difference ?

a piece of information or a formula that when you find out about it … the whole picture changes?


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Be Present, in this moment Apr 06, 2020

I am always looking at how to learn, to grow, to push my self and to model authenticity. But I need regular reminders to be present in Today.

There are so many ways to give yourself reminders...

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Love Mar 23, 2020

Love is a verb not a feeling.

Take action today.

In this season, after the month of "love", how does love appear in your life? Recently at church, I heard about God's love, agape love. The love...

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This Season Of Crisis Mar 14, 2020

So, here it is: The World around us is going through some shit. We have to PIVOT. We have to take PRECAUTIONS. We have to be KIND. We have to stay STRONG.

We have lived through many difficulties...

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Readers , inspiration Mar 09, 2020

Here I am.

I show up for you today with my readers on. It's official. I am tired of squinting. My arms are getting too short. I have to admit the inevitable.

Though my body shows some signs of...

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Customer Service Part 2 Feb 06, 2020

Have you ever heard the saying "You win customers One at a time and lose them a Thousand at a time?" ... Wow. That is so true. In an age where we are so much more connected to each other by...

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Customer Service is a competitive edge Jan 26, 2020

As 2020 starts, I have jumped back to the fundamentals of customer service. It is so important. From the top of leadership to the front line team members, it can make or break a company and their...

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Vision Boards For 2020 ~ Vision Board ideas Jan 05, 2020

Do you have your 2020 success plan? Take time to think of your intention… feel it, see it and imagine what you look like wearing this new achievement.

Here We are, the Lander crew, creating...

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