Question Everything Apr 28, 2021

Damn it!
You have to be kidding me!
Not again!
What the hell is wrong with people!
Are they crazy?!
Son of bitch!

If you have ever said any or ALL of these, you too... are a true...

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What's your love language? Feb 19, 2021

On the heels of Valentine's Day, I got this in my Inbox.

May sound corny, cheesy, whatever.... but if you work with your spouse or you have a partner that you share...

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Strong Alpha Females (AF) Feb 12, 2021

So, a "thing" just happened.

For so many years, I have navigated the world of business, sometimes with confidence and many times NOT.

I was resourceful and looked for mentors, organizations,...

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Breathe Jan 19, 2021

It says "Breathe". A reminder to step back and take a breath.

This time of year, everyone and everywhere you look... there are pushes to GO, get it done, make the plan, take the action, lose the...

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Silence the noise Jan 12, 2021

Gosh. It’s only been 10 days since my last post… But we’re into 2021 and it’s day 12!

Damn. 12 days into the new year and I need to lock down my plan.

Not a plan like a to...

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Persistence, Week 4 Nov 23, 2020

We are all created equal but different. 

We start out differently and we evolve differently.

Look within. 

When moving forward in life, do you move away from pain or towards pleasure?


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Get Rid of Your Baggage - Week #3 Topic Nov 16, 2020


Even though I have been diving deep into the topic of daily routines and the habits of successful people, I have to share what I heard. . it is so worth it!

Side note: wisdoms are all...

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FEAR. paralyzing, FEAR. Nov 09, 2020

This week we're talking all things fear! We're gonna dive deep into what they are, how it controls you and what you can do to get over it.

FEAR can rule your life. It can sway your decisions. It...

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Small changes make big impact. Nov 02, 2020

Woo Hoo!! Are you ready???!!!! Can I get a HELL YEAH!!! Can you hear the roar?!!!!

I am so excited that you have decided to join in on this end of the year challenge with this community of kick-ass...

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"Sh!@#t or get off the pot" Oct 05, 2020

It may sound rude but it gets the point across. Make a move or step aside and stop complaining. It's time to take action.

So far, 2020 has been filled with uncertainty, changes, emotions running...

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Repeat customers or Raving fans Sep 01, 2020

For my business owners who are still focused on moving forward and growing in this difficult climate… I want to talk about the distinction between repeat customers and loyal customers.


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Lean in and get a grip / Tolerance Not Tantrums Aug 04, 2020

So here it is, your sign. (Sorry if it pisses you off)

Get a f@#$% grip. Life for EVERYONE is uncertain, requires adjustments and different ways of doing, thinking and being. YOU are no different....

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