Finish Strong Challenge, Week 3 - Fear Nov 14, 2022

9 Ways to Push Beyond Fear

Fear is the biggest roadblock to success. Fear is a constant companion if you’re attempting to grow and achieve. The most successful people are often those that...

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Finish Strong Challenge, Week 2 - Consistency Nov 07, 2022

Affirmation Reflections:


Rewards encourage Consistency.

· I treat others with the same kindness that I extend to myself. It is important for maintaining trust in relationships. I...

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Finish Strong Challenge, Week 1 - Habits Nov 01, 2022

Making Fitness a Habit

Getting in shape is the result of taking appropriate actions repeatedly over an extended period of time.

Try these strategies to make fitness a daily part of your life:


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Finish Strong Challenge Week #9: Celebrate the Wins Dec 27, 2021

Just as important as doing the work, is celebrating the wins.

What does that mean?

Well, it means you take the time to acknowledge yourself for the progress you have made. You take the time to...

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Finish Strong Challenge Week #8: Goal Setting Dec 20, 2021

Achieving Goals That Really Matter

Goal setting is one of the best ways to get ahead in life - but only if you're setting your goals effectively! 

Are you trying for unattainable goals that...

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Finish Strong Challenge Week #7: Change Your Focus Dec 13, 2021

Change Your Thoughts and You Can Change Your Life


When you follow the same recipe, you get the same results. Likewise, changing your behavior is the only way to change your life.


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Finish Strong Challenge Week #6: Stop Comparing Yourself Dec 06, 2021

The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparing yourself to others is a reliable way to reduce your confidence, motivation, and self-esteem. It must be natural to make these types of...

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Finish Strong Challenge Week #5: Gratitude Nov 29, 2021

Use Gratitude to Create a Bounty of Positive Change in Your Life 

Consistent gratitude is one of the most powerful tools that you can use to propel yourself into a brighter tomorrow. Gratitude...

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Finish Strong Challenge Week #4: Time Management Nov 22, 2021

9 Ways to Make Time for What’s Important to You

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut. Many of us live the same day repeatedly. We get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV,...

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Finish Strong Challenge Week #3: Fear Nov 15, 2021

8 Ways to Take Advantage of Your Fears

If you’re not afraid, you’re not human. Everyone is afraid of something.Fears tend to evolve and change over time. A young child might be afraid...

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Finish Strong Challenge Week #2: Consistency Nov 08, 2021

The Power of Consistency

While many believe that knowledge is power, knowledge is only powerful when it’s consistently applied. Consistency may be the most important component of success. A...

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Finish Strong Challenge Week #1: Habits Nov 01, 2021

Congratulations! The hardest part is done. You have committed to yourself that you WILL live the last 60 days of this year with intention. You have decided that you want to live a life by...

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