Make Your Business a Great Workplace: 5 Tasks to Help Create Change company culture Sep 02, 2024

Make Your Business a Great Workplace: 5 Tasks to Help Create Change

Are you looking for ways to move your workplace from good to great? If so, you’re in luck! This article will discuss five...

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Time Management vs Energy Management time management Aug 26, 2024

Time Management vs Energy Management - Which is More Important?


Many of us are all too aware of time management. It seems that there just aren’t enough hours in the day and, as such,...

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Why are you still waiting to get started on your dreams? time management Aug 18, 2024

"Winning should be at the heart of every strategy." — A.G. Lafley & Roger L. Martin

Why You're Still Waiting to Get Started on Your Dreams

 Do you tell yourself that...

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4 Weeks to Freedom: The Road to Financial Independence financial strategies Jul 14, 2024

Continuing our month of Independence... We must talk about finances. Financial independence and Financial Freedom is on so many people's list of goals. To achieve it in your business and/or your...

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Balance your Independence and your Marriage for a Happy Equilibrium marriage and partnerships Jul 07, 2024

July. The month symbolized by INDEPENDENCE. Freedom isn't just about the liberties we have gained over the years... It is about the gains in your life & business when you become independent. We...

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Take Advantage of Warm Summer Nights for Meditation break patterns meditation Jun 30, 2024

 Are you drowning in a sea of chaos? Is your to-do list a mile long? Wouldn't you like more peace in your life, even in the midst of the pandemonium around you? You can have the peace and joy...

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Summer Fun Can Mean Spiritual Growth break patterns growth Jun 23, 2024

Fun in the sun can be spiritually enlightening. Summer is a time for more than just meaningless activities with your friends. Instead, this summer can be packed with activities that can enlighten...

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Finish Strong Challenge, Week 8 - Goal Setting Dec 19, 2022

Effective Goal-Setting Techniques

Many people falsely believe the goals they set are far out of reach. Other people believe they just aren't good at setting goals and sticking to them, so they...

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Finish Strong Challenge, Week 7 - Focus Dec 12, 2022

I attract what I focus my attention on.

I understand that what I give energy to grows, so I consciously choose where I focus my energies.


I am very visual by nature. I use imagination and...

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Finish Strong Challenge, Week 6 - Comparison Dec 05, 2022

The Flaw of Comparing Yourself to Others

If you’re lacking contentment, it could be because you’re comparing yourself to others. You’ve been on Facebook and seen the pictures of...

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Finish Strong Challenge, Week 5 - Gratitude Nov 28, 2022

Why You Should Keep a Gratitude Journal 

In the hustle and bustle of our lives, we often forget to take a few minutes to realize how blessed we are. Our hectic schedules drive us to work,...

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Finish Strong Challenge, Week 4 - Time Management Nov 21, 2022

Effective Time Management Tips

Time is the one thread that runs through all of our lives. Whether you're always early for an event, arrive as scheduled, or prefer to be fashionably late, you're...

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