What's your love language?

Feb 19, 2021

On the heels of Valentine's Day, I got this in my Inbox.

May sound corny, cheesy, whatever.... but if you work with your spouse or you have a partner that you share your life with... why not learn more about the differences as well as the same-ness?

Most of us here... work with our spouses or have spouses who have their OWN business going on at the same time.... I think it is just what Alpha Female Bosses are drawn too. (no scientific proof hahaha)

We spend a lot of time learning special skills for work, for school, for parenting, for hobbies but nowhere does anyone give you tools to figure out the VERY complicated love relationships.

THEN, throw in the daily "work together" dynamics and BOOM!

How do you separate business from home life? Does that even exist?

How do you debate a business decision and go home to snuggle on the couch and embrace? Really?
Can you turn the BOSS off and be the wife you can be?

Oh boy! I am certainly not "schooled" in the psychology of all things relationship BUT... I have been working with my husband, side by side, as a team for the last 25 years.
Yup! That long.

I cannot say that there was some divine enlightenment that created a perfect plan for how it was all going to be AND that we discussed the dynamics and set boundaries... That would be a LIE!
Blind and Bold. We just JUMPED.

Fast forward to today... with so so many ups and downs along the way... and we have "our system". It is definitely a work in progress as is with any relationship... but we are growing, thriving and we are STILL TOGETHER. hahaha

For FUN, when you are sitting at home and everyone is asleep.... take this quick quiz. Take a minute to see what your love language is.

HINT: We usually GIVE what we want to RECEIVE.

The below link is just a fun quiz but it can get your brain thinking.... What's my love language?


(above is "dating" Bob and Ilke. hahaha. We look so young and less tired. Apparently, my hair style hasn't aged a bit! bahahaha)