This Season Of Crisis

Mar 14, 2020

So, here it is: The World around us is going through some shit. We have to PIVOT. We have to take PRECAUTIONS. We have to be KIND. We have to stay STRONG.

We have lived through many difficulties (for those who have been around a while...) and come out on the other side. This is no different.

Be intentional with what you choose to LISTEN to, PAY ATTENTION to, PARTICIPATE in, and CREATE. Move forward on your original plans but have the ability to pivot... because those who have that flexibility and the foresight to be innovative and be part of the next place we are going.... are the ones who grow; who prosper; who thrive; who find joy and who live happy.

I have seen many different "challenges" in my years on this planet.

What I see now... is that though my future is not predictable and my course is scary and unknown... I KNOW THAT I WILL not just survive BUT ON THE OTHER SIDE IS SUCCESS, JOY AND FULFILLMENT.

**If you are struggling and... you need help, you are a women in business or you are a small business owner and cannot see the way... please, please call out. These are the times when we bind together to help each other. These are the times when we help the TIDE RISE... because all ALL SHIPS rise when the tide comes up.

Don't forget your foundational healthy routines like eating well, sleep enough, moving your body and practicing daily habits! These are some of the tools that make progress possible.