Step #3

Jul 28, 2021

The next step to living your most authentic life is to Dare to dream. Day Dream. Dream Daily.

Fear is so powerful. It can rob you of your dream. It can make your circumstances appear against you. It can steal your joy.... if you let it.

We are wired as humans to physiologically respond to danger. That response is called the fight or flight response. Have you heard of it?

I heard this first from Colonel Grossman....

Thousands of years ago, this was helpful. When you were gathering berries or hunting game, and a rhino started to charge you... flight seemed appropriate. 🤣

All the blood in your body would flood inward to your main organs and large muscle groups so you could reserve energy and run like hell!

Today, unless you live in an African tribe, this physiological response doesn't serve you the same... but our bodies still respond the same.

Today, the perceived threat is public speaking, the loss of a loved one or failure. You put your "fear" in the blank.

The body still responds.... your palms get sweaty, you loss your appetite, you imagine the worst.

Now, take Courage. I define courage as the ability to TAKE ACTION in SPITE OF HAVING FEAR.

That's right... it isn't the absence of fear. We aren't super human. We cannot ever remove fear.

But we can be courageous . We can decide to take action and do the thing... that brings us fear, and overcome it 💪🏻

So, dream your dream. Day dream of what your life looks like when you do the courageous and live the life you deserve.

Step into the specific details of what that looks like and take daily action to your goals. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

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