Silence the noise

Jan 12, 2021

Gosh. It’s only been 10 days since my last post… But we’re into 2021 and it’s day 12!

Damn. 12 days into the new year and I need to lock down my plan.

Not a plan like a to do list… But a plan like an intention. For thoughts of what the year is going to be. About what the year is going to look like. Where I run the show and not the show runs me!

Let’s get to work. Let’s filter out all the hateful people and the divisive distractions from what we’re supposed to do. Our purpose.

There’s always going to be bottom feeders, suckers of energy and spirit, negative and attention seekers. 

Silence the noise. It’s the 12th damn day! What are you waiting for?

Get to work. 




