"Sh!@#t or get off the pot"

Oct 05, 2020

It may sound rude but it gets the point across. Make a move or step aside and stop complaining. It's time to take action.

So far, 2020 has been filled with uncertainty, changes, emotions running high and new ways of conducting ourselves in the world.

This is your opportunity... If you have EVER dreamed of getting out of the 'rat race' or you have EVER entertained the idea of building a business, building a legacy or pursuing a field/industry you have passion in, NOW IS THE TIME.

There is no better time than the present. For so many people, jobs and companies have made cuts. For so many people, their futures are unknown. For so many people, securities are no longer secure. Life is short (cliche' but true). 

I know in my own past, in my own life, it usually took an act of God or a swift kick in the ass before I made the changes that were well overdue. I usually stayed too long, lingered ridiculously or pondered indefinitely. Eventually, I did it! I made the move to another country or state; I completely changed my direction in life (several times) and finally... I made the LEAP OF FAITH into the world of entrepreneurship. This world I had always wanted to belong to but never drummed up the courage to seize. 

You can do it too. You can join the ranks of the passionate, driven, innovators of the world who want to grab life by the HORNS and build a lifestyle they have been dreaming about. Your dream can be reality. 

When that voice inside your head starts to rationalize 'why not' or you start to drag your feet or lack drive to move forward, remember where you want to go.

Maybe you need a daily reminder of what you are aiming for? Print it. Cut it out. Hang it up. On the mirror where you brush your teeth! See it EVERY SINGLE DAY.

We live in a world filled with ways to learn what you need to... all you have to do is go for it. Take action.

I did it.... so can You. Find a mentor to help you along the way... because nobody does it alone. Find your tribe of people who will encourage you... because we all need encouragement & accountability. In today's internet era, we can be connected to people all over the world.... and your tribe is out there.

If you have read this far.... I am talking to you. 

Take action Today, my friend. And, I will be honored to be part of your tribe. :)