
Mar 23, 2020

Love is a verb not a feeling.

Take action today.

In this season, after the month of "love", how does love appear in your life? Recently at church, I heard about God's love, agape love. The love that is so deep and infinite. 

Defined as:

 A Greek word which means love (unconditional love). The greatest love for mankind that God did. As there are four different types of loves, but Agape is the greatest love among the four type of love. God incarnated in the flesh and shed his blood for every human on earth, and paid for our sins as he gave his life for his children’s 

Though we cannot ever achieve that level of love, we can allow God's love to come out in us, every day.

Love is an action. Love is not a feeling.

Love is humility, putting someone's feeling of importance before yourself, self care, kindness, lending a hand, listening, being present.

Love appears in ways big and small. 

How has someone shown you LOVE today? How have YOU shown love today?

Share below so we can all see the contagious spirit of love.

THEN, go out into the world and do 1 act of LOVE everyday. Remember, "Like attracts Like".





#love #selfcare #bepresent #humility #unforgivinglove #agape #kindness #listening #gratefulness #Godslove #flygirls #relationship #what is love