Lean in and get a grip / Tolerance Not Tantrums

Aug 04, 2020

So here it is, your sign. (Sorry if it pisses you off)

Get a f@#$% grip. Life for EVERYONE is uncertain, requires adjustments and different ways of doing, thinking and being. YOU are no different. You are not special.

Instead, be empathetic. Realize that we are all in this together. You are not orbiting Earth nor vice versa. We are all in this together. Be Kind. 

You can stomp your feet; scream your opinion and be an asshole... OR, understand we are all in this together. Choose to be kind. 

Next time you have to adjust to a business procedure due to COVID-19 or wait longer than usual for your food, or don't get to check in early, TAKE A BREATHE.

If someone goes down the aisle in the wrong direction, doesn't move as quickly, or chooses to avoid your handshake; Be Kind. TAKE A FUCKING BREATHE. 

Understand that everyone is dealing with the same uncertainties and we are all in this together. We are all handling it the best we know how. Be kind. 

Maybe there is a new way that you have never thought of. A new perspective or a new process. Maybe you actually find a BETTER way to move forward in life. You never know. 

If you have to wait longer at the check out aisle, see someone else with OR without a mask, or talk to a service person who deals with the public... TAKE A BREATHE.

We are all in this together. Seriously.

Take a Damn Breathe and be the person your mother would be proud of. Be the change you want to see in others. Be kind. 



