Finish Strong Challenge Week #9: Celebrate the Wins

Dec 27, 2021

Just as important as doing the work, is celebrating the wins.

What does that mean?

Well, it means you take the time to acknowledge yourself for the progress you have made. You take the time to reward yourself for the successes in your life. You make an intentional recognition of what you did.

Too often, we are driven to accomplish our goals and don't stop to savor the 'win' when we get there. Instead, we start formulating the NEXT goal; not taking any time in between.

The way the celebration looks like is up to you. It doesn't have to be monetary or momentus... It can be a small reward or time spent in gratitude for what you have achieved.


You're coming to the end of the Finish Strong Challenge 2021. Congratulations! You have something to be proud of. 

Not everyone does it... not everyone puts the effort into something that will result in progress... not everyone wants to grow and be exceptional. There are PLENTY of people that are content being ordinary and mediocre. But not YOU! Celebrate your WIN!

Think about all the ways you did MORE than you imagined you could. Acknowledge the ways you may have fallen a little short (those are okay too). And enjoy the new FSC family community you experienced.


Okay. So here are this last week's action steps:

1. Identify your wins.

2. Find time to celebrate your accomplishments

3. Create a plan to build on this momentum. Bring in 2022 with a plan on a strong foundation. 


For those of you who want to push forward to the NEXT LEVEL, continue in a smaller community and build on what you have learned, consider the upcoming "Pillars of Success" mastermind. Set to launch on January 24, 2022.... this mastermind will consist of weekly group zoom meetings, presentation of the 6 pillars of success (each week another pillar), worksheets/handouts, interactive discussion and guidance from me to see you through to the next best version of yourself.

Email me at [email protected] to set up a time to chat to see if it will be a good fit. Space will be limited. 

Keep pushing forward. Live your life by design.
