Finish Strong Challenge, Week 2 - Consistency

Nov 07, 2022

Affirmation Reflections:


Rewards encourage Consistency.

· I treat others with the same kindness that I extend to myself. It is important for maintaining trust in relationships. I celebrate my achievements as well as those of others.


· Although I sometimes set different standards for myself than for others, I extend rewards based on outlined expectations.


· Knowing that there is a system of rewards encourages me to be consistent with my actions. This approach works with maintaining a lifestyle of wellness. Complying with daily fitness goals is easy because I acknowledge my own positive results.


· I treat myself to a spa day when I hit a major milestone on my fitness journey. It is important to keep myself motivated for the long term.


· The same approach works with my kids and their chores. Instead of requiring occasional conformance, I challenge them to make doing chores a part of their norm. I treat them to their favorite dessert after a week of good work.


· When doing performance evaluations of my staff at work, I celebrate small things. When they see that even small efforts are rewarded, I gain their commitment to bigger ones. Sometimes starting small produces lasting and meaningful results.


· Today, I use a formula of rewards to encourage ongoing positive behavior. I am happy to highlight any person’s achievement when doing so encourages them to keep up the effort.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are some of the rewards that I extend to my colleagues at work?
  2. How do I ensure that I continue to be a committed friend?
  3. What actions am I consistent with without receiving rewards?