Finish Strong Challenge, Week 1 - Habits

Nov 01, 2022

Making Fitness a Habit

Getting in shape is the result of taking appropriate actions repeatedly over an extended period of time.

Try these strategies to make fitness a daily part of your life:

 ___   Make fitness a priority. Create space in your life to make it happen.


 ___   Take the first step. The most important thing is to just get started.


 ___   Only change one thing at a time


 ___   Find a way to enjoy it. Focus on what you do like, rather than what you don’t like.


 ___   Make fitness more social

o Find an exercise partner or join a team sport

o Get a nutrition buddy that shares your goal to eat healthy foods

o Join a social network related to fitness


Make the decision. Make the commitment. Make it happen!


Check Off this List and Share in the FB group. Let's see how you are implementing the 30 minutes of exercise each and every day.

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