FEAR. paralyzing, FEAR.

Nov 09, 2020

This week we're talking all things fear! We're gonna dive deep into what they are, how it controls you and what you can do to get over it.

FEAR can rule your life. It can sway your decisions. It can be paralyzing.

Recently I heard somebody talk about the fear of spiders. What a great simple analogy. How afraid Are you spiders? Does it bother you? Are you afraid of them? Can you remove one? Or are you paralyzed in fear?

What's that fear about? What story are you telling yourself that is making you so afraid. In proportion, the human being is so much more threatening and intimidating than any spider. An actual spider and it's bite is so insignificant to the human being that even a bee sting is worse

Most spiders can deliver a bite that is just irritating. That's it. But what story have you told yourself that makes it so much more?

Now, thinking of your life… What stores are you telling yourself that create this uncontrollable fear? Does it make you afraid of action or in action?

Fear can be a powerful thing if you let it.

The first step is identifying where that fear is. Then, in the face of your fear, take action! That is what courage is defined by.

Maybe it's time to be clear about what the worst case scenario really is. I know for me, if I can be really clear about what to my worst case scenario is… It takes some of the sting out. What's the worst thing that could happen?

From a person who took her business from bankruptcy to seven figures within 10 years… I will tell you that fear comes in many forms. Do you have financial fears?

Let me say it again, courage is taking action even though you're fearful.

So let me know… What story have you been telling yourself that creates fear in your life ?

So I'm asking you to be courageous.

Watch this YouTube video from Tim Ferriss. Struggling with bi-polar depression and multiple attempts of suicide, he has created a “fear setting’ technique to overcome your fears.

https://youtu.be/5J6jAC6XxAI 13:21 minutes