Customer Service is a competitive edge

Jan 26, 2020

As 2020 starts, I have jumped back to the fundamentals of customer service. It is so important. From the top of leadership to the front line team members, it can make or break a company and their brand. 

On the contrary, it can build empires. What do you think of when I say "Ritz Carlton"? What about "Disney"? These companies have build their reputation on the platforms of service. They model it in every element of business and have even taken it to the next level with educating the rest of us on how it's done properly.

So, my conversation starts at the beginning... I recently picked up another great read from Lee Cockerell (a long time Disney and Marriott executive in operations). Pick up your copy. He talks about the competitive marketplace and how a company can NOT just have great products, good technical service and efficient procedures. "You MUST have authentic, human-to-human interactions that satisfy not only practical needs but emotional wants."

In the next few blog posts, I will summarize some of the critical "RULES" as defined by Cockerell. 

Rule #1 "Customer Service is Not a Department". Amen, Sir!

Customer Service is your competitive edge. From the top to the front line, even if you own (especially if you own) a small business. Many, many big companies struggle with the levels of quality and consistent customer service. If you own a small business, you should DEFINITELY be focusing on how you can best serve your customers. You have the advantage! You may not be able to compete with advertising budgets but you sure as KITTENS can compete in AUTHENTIC customer service. More and more... customers are looking for the personal, real help from someone who cares. It adds HUGE value to them (worth paying for).

Moving forward, let's clarify something... What's the difference between services provided and customer service? Services are what customers come to you for. So, for example, one of my businesses is a farm winery with tasting room; The service customers come to us for is to sample our hand crafted wines. It is what they EXPECT to get. 

Customer Service is the "HOW". It is the entire experience from the moment they call us/or visit online, to when they arrive, to when they sample and then when they pay. It is the entire ENCHILADA!

Going with this idea... if "customer service" is the whole enchilada, it means it involves EVERYONE. From the top level management to the front line team members. It is everyone's business.

So, here is a tip that will help you get your team thinking that their part matters... Give everyone a title that reflect their role in pleasing the customer. Sounds simple right? IT IS! and works...

At our resort, I am the business owner, AKA "Resort Hostess". We have front desk staff = "Cabin Hostesses", spa therapists = "Spa Hosts", Tasting room staff = "Wine Hosts". We are all here to create an authentic, connected, service-hearted experience for our customers, our guests. Sounds "fluffy", "soft"? Whatever. It's our competitive edge. (wink)


Okay. Let's here from you. If you are in business or work at a business who prides themselves in the highest levels of customer service, what is a unique way that you appear for your customers? How do you create this shared responsibility of customer service with your team? Share, Like or Comment below. I would love to hear from you.

Thank you Friends, for reading and relating with me. 

Until next time, go out and Level Up to your dreams.

#paradisehillsmemories #paradisehillsstrong #customerservice #worldclassservice #serviceheart #leveluplander #companyculture #customerrules #leecockerell #disneyservice #marriottservice 

customer service skills

what is customer service